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3rd MEETING - 2012





Monday 25th of June:

9-12 and 14-17 h.

Introductory mini-course “Origins of contemporary philosophy”

Prof. Dr. Lucio Lourenço Prado (Unesp – Marília)


Tuesday 26th of June:  

9-12 pm. SPEECHES

Opening: Prof. Dr. Edelcio de Souza (PUC-SP)

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Mario Porta (PUC-SP)


1. Prof. Dr. Pedro Monticelli (Faculty of São Bento de São Paulo - FSB-SP): “The description of the intentional relationship in Franz Brentano’s psychognosis”

2. Prof. Dr. Alessandro Bandeira Duarte (UFRRJ) “The Problem of Júlio César”

3. Prof. Dr. Sara Albieri (USP): “Pierce and Skepticism”



Roundtable Coordinator: Valmir de Costa (PhD student at PUC-SP)

1. Dr. Evandro O. Brito (USJ): "Considerations on Dilthey's critique of the Brentanian philosophy of the psychic".

2. Lucas AD Amaral (Master's Student at PUC-SP - CAPES scholarship holder): "On the genesis of pure intuition of space in Kant: from the 1768 booklet to the Critique of Pure Reason"

3. Marco Antonio Chabbouh Junior (Master's student – PUC-SP – Capes scholarship holder):  “Form of Phenomena, Form of Sensibility and Pure Intuition”

4. Arthur Heller Britto (Master's student at PUC-SP): "On the Fregean notion of objectivity"

5. Me Felipe Lauer (PhD student at UFSC – Capes fellow): Husserl, Quine and the problem of analyticity

6. Julio Brotero de Rizzo: “About the Aktcharakter in the 5th. Husserl's Logical Investigation” (undergraduate at PUC-SP - scientific initiation – FAPESP grantee)



  Wednesday June 27th 9 am to 12 noon:


9-12 pm.  SPEECHES

Moderator: Dr. Savio Peres (Post-Doctoral Student at PUC-SP - Fapesp)


1. Prof. Dr. Lucio Lourenço Prado (Unesp-Marilia) "On the concept of sign in John Locke"

2. Prof. Dr. Alberto Onate (Unioeste): "The origin of geometry: Derrida translator and interpreter of Husserl".

3. Prof. Dr. Mario Porta (PUC-SP): “Frege and Kerry”



Chair Coordinator Dr. Evandro O. Brito (USJ)

1. Me Jean Rodrigues Siqueira (Unicastelo): Carnap, Quine and the analytic-synthetic distinction

2. Vanessa Furtado Fontana (UFSC PhD student - Capes fellow): "Fantasy and neutrality in Husserl's phenomenology"

3. Vinicius Valero (Master's student at Unioeste): "Brentano on the parts of the soul"

4. Marcella Marino (USP Master's student - FAPESP scholarship holder) “Husserl: about eidetic variation”

5. Devair Sanchez (Master's Student UFSC) “Intersubjectivity in Husserl”

6 Márcio Müller (Master's Student - PUC-SP): "The Initial Problem of Beliefs from Russell's Perspective"



Thursday 28th of June


9-12 pm. SPEECHES

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Lucio Lourenço Prado (Unesp)


1. Prof. Dr. Carlos Tourinho (Universidade Fluminense): "The 'transcendence in immanence' and its variations in Husserl's phenomenology"

2. Prof. Me. Ernesto Giusti (Unicentro): “Logic, language and ontology: the interpretation of Aristotle’s categories by Adolf Trendelenburg”

3. Prof. Dr. Jose Rezende (Mackenzie Presbyterian University) “Logic and scientific methodology in Baden’s neo-Kantianism”


Chair Coordinator Prof. Me. Sanqueilo de Lima Santos (UESC- PhD student at PUC – SP)

1. Valmir de Costa (PhD student at PUC-SP): "Husserl and existentialism"

2. Me Aline Ramos (PhD student at Université du Québec à Montreal): “Jean Buridan as a precursor of contemporary epistemological reliabilism”

3. Bruno Senoski do Prado (Unicentro Graduate) “The Wittgensteinian critique of language and the task of philosophy at the time  of the Tractatus”.

4. Lauro de Matos Nunes Filho (Master's Student at UFSC):  “Act, Object and Content: Twardowski and Husserl”

5. João Vitor Schmidt (Graduate in Philosophy - Unicentro): "Frege reader of Kant: Analyticity and a priori knowledge in the Fundamentals of Arithmetic."

6. Fabio Lampert – (Philosophy Student - Faculdade de São Bento/SP. Undergraduate research – FAPESP grantee): “Did Kant invalidate the ontological argument?”


Friday 29th of June


9-12 pm. SPEECHES

Moderator Prof. Dr. Alberto Onate (Unioeste)


1. Prof. Dr. Celso Braida (UFSC) “The concept of concept in Frege”

2. Prof. Dr. Jairo Jose da Silva (Unesp – Rio Claro) “Husserl and Frege”

3. Prof. Dr. Marco Rufino (UFRJ) : “Indexical thoughts and meanings in Frege”



Chair Coordinator Dr. Savio Peres (Post-Doctoral Student at PUC-SP):

1. Prof. Me. Sanqueilo de Lima Santos (UESC - PhD student at PUC-SP): “Natural individuality – spiritual individuality in Husserl”

2. Teacher Me. Mara Chiari Pirez (Unisantos): “Art as a symbolic form”  

3. Prof. Me. Silvio M. Barbosa Jr. (USJT - PhD student at PUC-SP): "The problem of a fourth Symbolic Function in Steve Lofts"

4. Diego Azizi (Master's student at PUC-SP – Capes scholarship holder): “Around the concept of Weltanschauung in Dilthey”

5.  Dr. Savio Peres (Post doctoral student – PUC-SP – FAPESP grantee): Husserl's Lessons on Phenomenological Psychology

6. Willian O. Silva (FAZP graduate): “Services Provided by Language for Symbolic Forms”

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Origins of Contemporary Philosophy I 2021.

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